I.N.D.E.X: Lists of My Reflections

This blog is dedicatedly made for me to convey my personal reflections on

All the discussions are based on the materials given be it from the lectures, panel discussions, tutorial sessions, practical sessions, and even skill laboratories sessions as the guidelines for me to step- by - step pouring out my thoughts and understanding and those are strengthening by my extra personal readings and study.

May this Block 4.2- blogging contract will benefit me, and everyone out there, not only for this total of 7 weeks of the academic schedule, but also in the future, amin..

Just click any topic of your interest:)

Module 1: Health System

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Module 2: Disaster Management

Chapter 5
  1. race
  2. sex
  3. age 
  4. stature

Chapter 6
Topics labeled with  (*) : Pending
    Welcome here, and make yourself at home:)